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The easiest way to help your clients meal plan.

Whether it's a precision meal plan or a curated list of recipes, you and your clients will appreciate the simplicity and value created through Meal Garden.

Easily personalize every experience.

Tailoring access to your nutritional recommendations for specific clients or audiences is a breeze.

Access is easily customized and fully secure.

Everyone is treated to a branded digital experience and can download PDFs.

Screenshot of Meal Garden's app 14 day challenge
Screenshot of Meal Garden's app recipes

Thousands of recipes, easy to find, easy to change.

Professionally curated recipes organized into hundreds of templates based on popular health conditions and lifestyles.

Loads of automation and tools make it easy to tailor your recommendations to each client, group, or campaign.

Make success simpler.

Put your clients and members in the driver's seat with scheduling, family scaling, and a personalized recipe database you control.

Downloadable PDF’s and a mobile shopping list make your recommendations easy and enjoyable to work with.

Screenshot of Meal Garden's app grocery list

What Members are saying..

Portrait of Lisa Kilgour
"I publish monthly master classes on any topic my clients are looking for and they always asked for recipes. That’s when I discovered Meal Garden."

Lisa Kilgour

BC’s favourite Nutritionist, Author, TedXSpeaker

Meal Gardener since 2019

Portrait of Deepa
"Meal Garden has allowed me to create Recipe Collections, Meal plans, and Packages, which my clients find very useful."

Deepa Deshmukh


Meal Gardener since 2020

Portrait of Marie
"There are so many ways to search for recipes, which is why Meal Garden is so helpful."

Marie Murphy

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified LEAP Therapist

Meal Gardener since 2021

Portrait of Dina
"I can attach my Meal Garden recipes to my clients’ online session notes, making it easy for them to use my recommendations."

Dina Garcia

RD, LDN, CMC, Owner

Meal Gardener since 2017

Portrait of Lavern
“After using Meal Garden, I accomplished a lot in the seven-day free trial because it was very user-friendly. I've had some older clients request meal plans, but I've had some younger ones as well, who like that structure cause they're swamped as well.”

Laverne Banderk

Certified Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach

Meal Gardener since 2020

Portrait of Katie L
" I love that Meal Garden has so many options for recipes that I can tailor to each client."

Katie LeBlanc

Autoimmune Nutritionist, PhD

Meal Gardener since 2020

Portrait of Lucia
"With Meal Garden, anyone can access their plans from anywhere. "

Lucia Di Cesare

Registered Holistic Nutritionist (CSNN), Personal Training Specialist (CanFit Pro)

Meal Gardener since 2016

Portrait of Lisa Kilgour
"I've tried all kinds of nutrition programs with my clients, and they just get frustrated. With Meal Garden, they’re like, “I got this.”

Marilyn Moss

Functional Fitness Trainer (MS, ACSM, NASM, MBA)

Meal Gardener since 2019


Pricing plan

All prices are in USD.

Get started today

The easiest way to help your clients meal plan.


or $500 yearly
Get Started
Price is in USD.
Unlimited clients
>7,000 recipes (shareable and easily edited)
>300 pre-made meal plans, collections and done-for-you packages
Custom foods + a direct connection to USDA food central.
Create and customize recipes and meals
Meal Planning & Collections
Packages and Memberships
Fully branded PDF's, members area and client app
Multi-media, done-of-you client handouts and resources
Stripe Integration for accepting payments
Personalized access for all members + chat (can be disabled)
HIPAA Compliant
In-app support and on-demand coaching


Answers to the most common questions about Meal Garden for Professionals.

Can my clients access Meal Garden without me?

Meal Garden is a platform built for practitioners and their businesses. The only way for a client to access a Meal Garden is via an invite from a practitioner with an active membership.

Do my customers pay for access to Meal Garden?

Practitioners can choose if and how much to charge their clients for access to their Meal Gardens.

Will Meal Garden integrate with my EHR system?

Yes :)

Copy links from your Meal Garden and paste them into any 3rd party system, or download and upload PDF's.

Can I share the content in my Meal Garden on social and through email?

Yes :)

Any content in your Meal Garden can be shared through social media, email lists and other marketing channels.

Where do you get your food data?

Our food data comes directly from the USDA, the world's most accurate source for common foods. Our in-house Dieticians review all foods for accuracy and manage our extensive tags database.

Can I create a membership site with Meal Garden?

Yes :)

You can create free or paid memberships using Meal Garden.

Do I need a website to use Meal Garden?

No.  If you don’t have a website yet, you can use the Meal Garden home page to attract clients.  Meal Garden has high visibility for search engines. 

Help your clients achieve their results faster

Consumers needs are changing, don't be left behind.
Join today.