How to Activate Your Dream Business With Purpose

This empowering and positive conversation will have you ready to realign and take action in your wellness practice.
Join Kiki as she chats to Franziska, a Vision Creator, and Purpose Activator, she helps people to get clear on their purpose and mission in life so they can live fully aligned with their dreams.
Are you ready? Let’s jump in...
Franziska’s story
Since childhood, Franziska has known that her dream in life has been to find her purpose and to feel fulfilled. For years she has walked her path and embodied these emotions to drive her forward, and now she works with start-ups, entrepreneurs, and CEOs to get clear on their visions and working with them on the steps to success.
For Franziska, getting you clear on your purpose and walking your path is her primary mission. She believes that we all need to listen to our intuition and take action to see what's possible for us. After all, we only have one life so let's make it the best it can be.
Dreams are the whispers of our soul that are talking to us. I truly believe that the only way to really feel fulfilled in our lives is when we create these dreams for ourselves.
— Franziska, Visionary Coach
Discovering your purpose
Purpose is such a widely used word, and it can mean a slightly different thing for all of us. For Franziska, your purpose is just whatever it is in life that brings you the highest excitement and drive, which is a lovely way of thinking about it.
You could be at the beginning of the journey and know you want to live your purpose but don't know how to start to step along that path or you could be reevaluating your purpose. Franziska tackles this to build a business around what brings you the most excitement and joy.
It starts with the mindset, unleashing the purpose and then working on your personal views on success, money, balance, fear of being seen, fear of being judged, all of these things that could be holding you back. Having all this known is so freeing and then creating a plan and a strategy to grow this purpose into a business and to get it out there is the way forward.
"You have to check in with your self-worth, you know, what do you believe you're worthy of? The more people share themselves and their story with the world from their heart, the better this will become. It's a ripple effect."
Let's dive into a specific example
Let's say you want to reach that next stage in your business; perhaps it's more clients, more work-life balance. You know your purpose, whom you help, and why, but something is missing, and you're feeling unfulfilled.
Franziska's advice, do a value check-in and understand why you feel this way and what is blocking your way to feeling like you're living your purpose. You might be running your business or your services against your values, or your business isn't in line with you anymore. Accept that and ask what would make me feel more fulfilled? Do you need support? Do you need to change your services?
Write these things down and see what kind of plan emerges to move you forward and activate your business with a new purpose.
I work with many businesses who acknowledge that they have reached all they can on their own and need to take the next step and get help to grow, collaborate or ultimately sell the business and follow a new passion.
— Franziska, Visionary Coach
"When we find the solution, we're like, 'oh, my God, I have to share this with everyone because I feel so amazing now, and I want people to feel the same."
Tune in to the episode and hear more interesting examples from Franziska.
It's all about building these reflections and manifestation beliefs into your daily practice
There is real power in thinking about your purpose and what excites you and turning this thinking into a habit.
As Franziska says,
Make it a daily ritual of moving into those feelings that are most supportive of your dreams. We say the unconscious mind needs at least three weeks to create a new habit, so persevere and see what happens.
Try this out...
If you think 'I'm not worthy, I'm not lovable. I'm the worst person on this planet; your heart and energy field will be negative because negative emotions follow these thoughts. If you believe 'I am so supported, I'm so lovable just by being myself,' you feel how your heart is opening, and your energy is expanding, and more positive emotions flow.
This is enough for some; we need to plan it out, build on this further, and future pace out your goals. Think about where do you want to be in 3, 6, 12 months in your business? How do you make your purpose your reality? And ask yourself, how would it feel like if my purpose was my reality? It's all about the feeling.
The feeling is the secret magic ingredient
Take the time to check in with yourself and your business, realign and become purposeful in your actions moving forward.
We can all agree that Franziska is just so passionate and positive that I'm sure you'll want to connect with her. So find her on Instagram, Facebook or reach out to her via email. She can't wait to hear your questions.
Enjoy the episode.
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