When preparing your marketing material, what do you think about?
Take a minute and think about this question…
What process do you use to create and optimize your marketing material, specifically the copy and assets you use to engage and convert your visitors or audience to paying, happy clients or customers?
The first step is to know who your ideal client is, because the perfect message and the perfect speech that gets that person to buy requires first that you know who that person is. And so by picking one individual as though your speech is a love letter written to that one person. So for me, it's a functional medicine doctor with kids growing their six figure business to seven figures and wanting to be famous on Instagram. “ ~ Majeed Mogharreban is the founder of the Expert Speaker Institute
This conversation will resonate with anyone who is working on building a bigger business by converting more and better leads.
The best part? Seven years ago, Majeed had a life-changing experience that convinced him to pivot his business, as an incredibly successful motivational speaker to focus on helping health professionals get their message across to their audience in a more effective way.
Introducing the Signature Speech
What resonates most about a Signature Speech is the subtle shift in focus from ‘what’s your story’ to ‘how to make your story matter more’. It’s one of the most important things to learn about storytelling, specifically telling stories that convert.
The trick is to tell your story in a way that the listener can see the outcome, and that outcome is not only appealing to them, but they’ll do anything to achieve it
When you combine a signature speech with a strong webinar strategy, you’ll be able to transition from selling webinars to selling your services, and this shift provides you many new opportunities.
Charge more for the outcomes you create
That’s right, if you could learn a way to charge 10,000 vs. 100, would you take that opportunity?
Well, you’re in luck! Not only do Majeer and Kiki walk through his framework, but they also touch on a number of other important and interesting things, including:
- How a flier on a billboard in a coffee shop saved his family life
- How to craft a message using a simple and powerful analogy of pain and pleasure island
- Creating a story that is emotionally connected to an outcome that your client desires
- Why Webinars are still a great tool and should be part of any practitioners toolkit
As you wind your way through this 20-minute learning session, you’ll also be exposed to Sally Hogshead’s thought-provoking research about why clients hire you (P.S. It’s not what you think!).
Finally, one of the most important, but sort of side-bar concepts introduced here is the idea of abundance in our business. When your mindset is focused on abundance, there is no stopping you.
Hope you enjoy the episode as much as I did and if you decide to work on a signature speech, be bold and share it with the group over on Facebook!
About Majeed Mogharreban

Majeed is the founder of the Expert Speaker Institute and he is the world’s only public speaking coach dedicated to functional and integrative medical professionals.
Now, his focus is on helping you become a highly-paid speaker who makes a difference. He even wrote a book and has built a coaching program for health professionals that want to achieve ‘next level’ results from their public speaking.
Think this might be you? Click here to watch a quick video about the program and apply if you’re interested.
Incorporating Signature Speeches into your Meal Garden (BONUS CONTENT)
We just finished introducing Loom videos to Meal Garden, making it easier than ever to share video content with your members and clients via Meal Garden.
Video is the best way to build emotional connections with your audience and now you can do it through your Meal Garden.
Click here to watch the snackable episode that shows you how to get this done and click here to sign-up for a free trial of Meal Garden if you haven’t already.
Keep learning…
We’ve included a few links below to episodes of the podcast that you’ll find helpful.
Don’t have a Meal Garden?
If you’re ready to provide your audience with easy access to healthy meals and to up your engagement with your existing clients, you need a Meal Garden.
To help you get up set-up and maximize your investment, we’ve put together the 3-for-1 program, sign-up today and you’ll have an extended trial + 2 months for 50% off the normal membership fee. That’s 90 days to create an amazing experience for USD 30.
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