To avoid building your business on quicksand you must become willing to be disliked.
In this episode, Kiki and Filip touch on some critical lessons about building and growing your business. Filip shares his models for showing coaches and consultants how and why it’s essential to enjoy the process of growing and changing.
Growing and Changing
Growth and change are easy to get your head around but always seem to be the most challenging things to embrace.
Two big reasons, as discussed between Filip and Kiki :
- To grow, you often need to accept that your perceptions of yourself and your world views won’t align with everyone else.
- It’s so much easier not to change.
But, as Filip points out, the most successful people are highly focused on feedback: not only listening but pro-actively searching for it, embracing it, and learning from it.
What got you here won’t take you there.
At the same time, he introduces an interesting concept for change grounded in the idea that change is a natural progression.
When embraced and managed through a particular framework that he describes in great detail, it can be the force that leads you to your best self.
Clarify, Simplify and Implement (C.I.S.)
You’ll have to listen to the podcast to understand the framework above fully.
But, I can confirm that it will help you be comfortable with change and add a new set of questions to your repertoire of time-saving, mindset-shaping mantras (of which you can never have too many.)
Also, it makes it easy for you to explore new opportunities and become comfortable with the idea that you can control your growth and change.
Stop protect your perception.
In fact, according to Filip, the sooner you embrace growth and change as a regular part of business, the sooner you’ll be able to scale your business effectively.
Great points about branding
The quote below is worth absorbing and considering as you build out your business. As visual people, we are susceptible to spending more time on aesthetics (think cover pages and beautiful photos) then considering our customer’s entire experience with our brands.
Visuals without branding are just decoration.
Filip shares what he considers the three pillars of branding, how using your worldview, and your audience helps you clarify the what, how, and ‘why you’ components of your value proposition.
At the tail end of this chat, Filip touches on tribes. As right as he is, it’s an excellent opportunity for you to re-enforce this single but essential mindset about building your tribe.
Not everyone is going to like you and that’s okay.
Finally and importantly, Filip describes many concepts and frameworks that align very well with the ideas behind the creator economy, one of the fastest-growing and most influential components of our economy today.
P.S. If you’re reading this, you’re probably part of, or considering joining the creator economy :)
Who will benefit the most from this?
If you’re starting or you’ve got a few years under your belt, and you feel like you’re not getting where you want to be, this is a great 20-minute podcast to take on a walk or sit on the porch.
Often, we are our own worst enemies when it comes to growing our businesses. Filip understands what you are going through and has the experience to help you overcome it.
About Filip Van Houte
Filip is a rebel and a creator at heart.
He has dedicated much of his professional career to showing coaches and consultants how to live an abundant life while growing their businesses.
One thing that resonates when talking with Filip is his focus on helping you uncover what your goals are and what will satisfy you. In a world with more information than we know what to do with, it’s refreshing to listen to someone explain how to ground yourself and to distinguish between the static and the noise.
To Filip, everyone’s ‘best life’ is different and dependent on a kaleidoscope of influences, experiences, and raison d'etre.
To connect with Filip, use one of the links below.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vanhoutefilip
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/scalingwithfil
Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/be/podcast/rants-about-humanity/id1542776052
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