Do you remember what drove you to your niche?
In the conversations we have with practitioners, there is often a trending commonality. You get into your stream or niche because of your personal health journey. A journey that’s led you to feel healthier and happier, and because of that, your innate desire to share that process with those on a similar path as you.
Welcome to our conversation with Jennifer Dages, fitness instructor for middle-aged women and diabetes coach. Jennifer embraced her own path as a coach because of her personal experience with weight gain, weight loss and pre-diabetes.
And her transformation is going to both WOW and encourage you as she was able to lose 40 pounds and lose the diagnosis of ‘pre-diabetic’ through low carb dieting and intermittent fasting. Jennifer now uses her experience as fuel to help other women going through a similar stage in their life as she did.
I realized my own blood sugars were getting higher and that I was on the path to type 2 diabetes. That scared me because I know how serious it is.
— Jennifer
This week’s conversation is incredibly inspirational and will help you create that purposeful change in your clients through the power of motivation. Keep reading to learn more!
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How Research & Being in Tune With Your Body Can be the Motivation Your Clients Need to Transform Their Own Health
You know that all of your clients are on different paths, and we all have different motivators that drive us. For Jennifer, knowing that diabetes could be in her future and her own research journey is what encouraged her to help others.
Motivation is the driving force behind Jennifer’s entire essence as a coach. She’s motivated by watching that change in her clients, and she also recognizes that her client’s motivators are exactly what keeps them on track.
Part of my challenge as a health coach and just working with different people, is the major motivation that people come to me with is wanting to lose weight
— Jennifer
Connecting your clients to the 'why' with the 'how': The motivator audit
Before Jennifer works with a client she does a 'motivator audit' that dives deep into WHY her potential clients are seeking help. She believes that this is when you can begin your relationship with your clients and when they start to recognize you as an expert and someone they can trust and rely on.
When we educate our clients we get the opportunity to connect with their goals and with other areas in their life that are important to them.
When it comes to Jennifer’s niche of intermittent fasting, weight stabilization, and low-carb nutrition, she has been able to find a way to connect with her client’s goal of weight loss by “emotionally educating” them about the long-term implications of diabetes and obesity. This is often motivation enough that many of her clients seek those habit changes that drive success.
Why Jennifer Uses Meal Garden to Set Goals & Motivate her Clients:
There are many tools out there that will help you organize your meals, but Jennifer recommends Meal Garden for 2 reasons:
1- It's worry-free
All the meal plans in the software are done by certified dieticians so if you are an RN or dietitian, you will be able to use it with your clients.
"I'm not a dietitian, I'm an RN. In my state, Pennsylvania, it's a little unclear what us RNs can do with meal planning, so I don't have to worry about it. These are done by certified dieticians" - says Jennifer.
2- You will save time
Creating personalized menus takes a lot of time and effort. The Meal Garden software allows you to pick and choose meal plans with just a click on the mouse.
You can also save your favourites to your own board so you don't have to search every single time you onboard a new client.
In Summary
Clients need to have functional health as their main goal, and it’s up to you as the practitioner to motivate and educate your clients, but also to understand and work with their unique needs so that they can maintain their lifestyle and diet changes.
Connecting with Jennifer
Want to learn more about Jennifer? You can check out her business here:
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