We are all essentially made up of food, made from the fuel we eat, as they are what contribute to every. single. function. in the body.
There is no way of getting around it. The popular saying in nutrition goes something along the lines of: “If you won’t put a subpar gasoline into a Lamborghini in fear of damaging the engine or killing the performance, why would you feed yourself subpar fuel?”.
Thinking of nutrition in those terms, how do you think your performance will be? How well will you function? What effects do you think it will have on you in the long run?
We will be covering the macronutrients (carbohydrate, protein and fat) that make up our food, their importance and use in the body, and their role in your diet. Let’s get started.
Why is it important that we pay attention to the various macronutrients in our nutrition? Why should I care?
It is importance because all three macronutrients serve crucial functions for different organ systems. Without an adequate intake of all three, we can start to experience several symptoms or a general sense of unwell.

Black Bean Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Veggies
Firstly, we pay some attention to protein.
You might have heard it on both sides with protein, some people prescribe to a high protein diet and some to a lower protein diet. Both sides are right AND wrong.
There is no one size fits all when it comes to nutrition.
Each person has their own individual biochemical needs.
However, we know for sure that protein plays a key role in many functions and organ systems in the body.
Protein deficiencies can lead to poor wound healing, blood sugar imbalance, food cravings, low or impaired immunity, muscle atrophy, brittle or weak hair/skin/nails, and lack of mental clarity. Some pretty important stuff, right?
Next are healthy fats.
Fats have received some bad rep in the past and everyone feared fat, in the past number of years it has swung completely the other way.
Many people were subscribing to an extremely high-fat diet (Ketogenic, Atkins, etc.). Again, to each body, its own.
However. To highlight the importance of fat.
When I say fats, I am not referring to canola oil, vegetable oil, or margarine.
I am referring to (the well-loved) coconut oil, avocado oil, organic grass-fed butter, extra virgin olive oil, hemp seed oil, and flax oil. As well as wild caught fish and seafoods.
Essential fatty acids such as omega-3 (EPA and DHA) and omega-6 are a necessity in the body as they, most importantly affect brain function and heart health.
The fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K all require fat for and without it, you will not be able to absorb these essential vitamins. Some symptoms are: dry skin and skin problems, cognitive issues, increased inflammation, blood sugar imbalances, and hormone imbalances.
The fats to avoid are the trans fats, which are often found in heavily processed, refined or deep-fried foods.
Lastly, carbohydrates.
They are important because they are the body’s preferred source of energy. As such they are an important aspect of our nutrition as everything we do requires energy.
They are also the brain’s primary source of energy.
However, we need to highlight the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates.
Ideally, we want to consume predominately complex carbohydrates, which are vegetables, beans, and whole grains (if you do not have a gluten-intolerance). These break down in the body far slower than simple carbohydrates do, found mostly in fruits, milk, candies, sugar, and soft drinks.
The slower breakdown is important because of our insulin levels that manage our blood sugar. Taking your body through a sugary rollercoaster ride is never a good idea.
Food is important stuff.
The food molecules help fuel every bit of our body, our organ systems, and its functions.
Paying attention to what you eat is paramount to your health.
Take a look at the lightbulb icon in your menu page on Meal Garden, you’ll find a nifty little link that shows you your nutrient breakdown for all your meals!

This way you can be mindful of what you eat, how much you eat, and what nutrients you are getting!
Behold, upcoming is the last installment of our meal prep series. Putting it all together and how we’re going to store everything! Pro tip bombardments coming your way.
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