Stand Out, Boost Your Online Presence and Uplevel Your Influence (Without Sleazy Sales Tactics, or Begging for Attention)
Would you like to boost your online sales but have a fear of being too salesy or pushy?
There’s no one-size-fits-all business model but it’s important to have a basic formula in place to boost your presence, connect with your audience, and as a result, boost sales.
You just have to have the right foundation, of course.
This week on Making It Real, we are chatting all about building your foundations with Kym Mulcahy. Kym is a business coach for women, who combines 8 years of online business, marketing, copywriting, and transformational life coaching skills to empower women in business. She helps women master their messaging, marketing, and mindset so that they can build a profitable business that feels good and brings in dream clients each and every month.
So, click below to listen in or keep reading for the key deets!
What does “boost your online presence” mean to you?
In the simplest terms, boosting your online presence simply means being easily found by positioning yourself so that you are in front of your ideal audience.
There is a lot of noise and busyness in this industry...
“You don’t need to be everywhere at once but you do need to be where your people are at and where you can help them and where they can easily find you.” - Kym
In a nutshell, knowing the elements of what you need and what your audience needs helps you find the right position for your presence to be found.
What if you have a fear of sleazy sales tactics or begging for attention?
After having left the world of 9-5 marketing jobs, Kym moved on to be a coach as it quickly became obvious that a lot of her colleagues and fellow students had beautiful life coaching and counseling skills but weren’t confident in the marketing/business side of things.
Because they were healers, spiritual teachers, heart-centered people, the whole left side of their brain ie. analytics, marketing, and selling skills didn’t come naturally to them.
This is where she realized this was a sticking point for a lot of people.
She knew she could show there are other ways of marketing your services without this feeling of feeling sick, nervous, or anxious about it.
“I've always hated being sold to so how can we do it without feeling icky? Without feeling like we’re shoving it down their throats? Without feeling like we’re pushing our agenda on somebody else? We’ve all experienced that as customers.” - Kym
What would you say to someone who’s just starting out and wants to feel better about how they are marketing their services?
Truthfully, It beings with you, then your people, your marketing, and finally your business.
Everything in the internal world reflects in the external world, so how you feel about yourself, knowing your worth, believing in yourself, liking yourself will be reflected on the outside.
The best place to start (or to revisit) is your mindset and remembering that your ideal audience was you and is you.
Are you being reflected as the real you? Take some time to self-reflect.
Knowing who your people are will be based on what you went through.
It’s important to not skip the 3 foundations of business and marketing as that is key to finding success in selling and connecting with your audience.
- Have a great offer- help those people you want to work with and help them get what they want and need.
- Have compelling copy and a communication strategy- communication is crucial. Speak in your authentic voice and make sure you’re speaking in terms they can understand and can take action from.
- Marketing strategy- what will be the channels and systems you implement to get in front of your people?
As Kym says, there are 100,000 ways to get to where you wanna go. There is no one-trick pony, there is no one golden Willy Wonka ticket, or waving your magic wand, and yay! Your business is successful and you make a million dollars.
“There are many ways you can be successful in your business but no two businesses are ever the same and no two entrepreneurs are ever the same.” - Kym
You really have got to know yourself and ask yourself these questions:
- What are your values?
- What do you really value in life?
- What do you really value in business? What sort of business model do you want to run?
- Are you inspired and pumped about working for your business every day or are you more of a ‘go with the flow’ and want your business to work seamlessly around your lifestyle?
“Marketing gurus like to say: this is the way to do it, this is the trick, you need this one thing to transform your business. I call BS on that because that’s not true.” - Kym
There are many people that are successful with many different types of business models.
Oftentimes, we help people that are just like us. What would you suggest if you feel you’ve lost touch with how you felt a year ago or five years ago? Any practice you suggest to help tap back into that vibration of where you were and how you felt so you can better speak with your audience?
Kym explains that tapping back into that feeling is possible by doing something meditative, keeping your mind still, or going for a walk outside in nature.
The important thing is to ask the questions and put the intention out there:
Help me understand the people I want to help. What is it they need? What do they need to know or hear from me? Help me remember what it was like to be in their shoes, 5 or 10 years ago.
Wait for the answers to come to you. Wait for the “aha” moment.
We encourage you to grab a piece of paper and write down your answers every time Kym asked those insightful questions throughout the episode. Whether it’s journal prompts or during mediation, the answers are inside of you- You just have to be open to receiving them.
Online presence is about knowing the elements of what you need and what they need so that you are in the right position and your presence can be found.
A lot of people are worried about coming off as sleazy or begging for attention when they employ marketing tactics but there are other ways of marketing your services without this feeling and it all starts with you.
You’ll need to have a basic formula in place to boost your presence - a great offer, compelling copy, and a marketing strategy - but there’s still no one-size-fits-all business model.
For those that want to connect, or learn more about Kym, the best way to do so is through her Instagram or website.
And for those of you that want a more practical step-by-step guide on how to put yourself out there to connect with your people in a more practical way then check out Kym’s freebie guide on 33 Ways To Stand Out and Boost Your Brand Building. *It is recommended to download this guide after you’ve put some thought into the foundations discussed in this episode.
Inviting your feedback: What value did you get out of this podcast episode? What could we have done differently to make it a more successful listening experience for you? What questions do you wish were asked or elaborated on further? Let us know! Email the host directly: kiki.athanas@mealgarden.com
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