Not Just for Nutritionists: How This Fitness Guru Uses Meal Garden

May 29, 2023
min read

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I've tried all kinds of nutrition programs with my clients and they just get frustrated. With Meal Garden they’re like “I got this.”

Marilyn Moss

With my 20+ years of experience  helping hundreds of people like you; and my master’s level How To in exercise science I developed THE ONLY INDIVIDUALIZED INTERACTIVE VIDEO ASSESSMENT TOOL. My interactive exercises and your responses absolutely eliminate the guesswork and impersonal nature of other programs.  I am able to create a safe and effective program for you that will correct your movement imbalances and inefficiencies so you can have peak effectiveness with whatever you want to achieve.

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Today on Making It Real, we have the absolute pleasure of speaking with the Functional Fitness Guru, Marilyn Moss. We’ll chat with her about how Meal Garden can be used for those working in the fitness industry.

Marilyn is a user of Meal Garden, except she is in a slightly different category. Her focus is in fitness versus nutritionists, and dietitians, who focus more so on the food element.

Show Notes:

1:40 - How Meal Garden helps Marilyn’s Fitness Training Business

“I've been a personal trainer for a long time, and have a Master's Degree in Exercise Science, along with many certifications. I have recently moved to, in addition to doing virtual personal training, which of course to be safe now, I need to do, creating an online platform, which makes it way more affordable. I am offering a 30-day program for free, which I could tell you about later. But everybody knows that fitness alone is not enough, and you need to incorporate a proper diet with it. I am not a registered dietician, so Meal Garden helps me in that department.

Meal Garden provides meal planning options and recipes for all diet types from vegans to bodybuilders. Meal Garden is just so fabulous because I've been able to add the meal component without going outside of the scope of what is really the vast majority of my training. Meal Garden has been very easy to use, and the support has been just terrific.”

4:36 - What made you choose Meal Garden over the other competitors?

One thing that I love about Meal Garden is that it's not just the macronutrients, but Meal Garden gives you all the micronutrients as well. Love the fact that there are so many options from keto, vegan,  vegetarian, and I love that it has the recipe component.

6:37 - What is the demographic of the people that you work with?

The workout challenge that I just put together is geared to somebody that just wants to get going. The vast majority of my clients are aged 40 plus, which is my main market. However, I'm excited to say that about a third of my clients refer their children to me. So, I also work successfully with that market as well.

8:41 - What advice do you give your clients to reach their goals?

One thing that I noticed over and over again with people that aren't successful with either their diet program or their fitness program, is they get overly excited and they want to go all-in and real hard. This quickly leads to feeling frustrated or getting hurt.

I like to stress the importance of getting to know your body. I'm noticing if people take their time, learn about their body, build their base, the slow building of that base, then they have it forever. Then, instead of three weeks being frustrated and stopping, it's three weeks of them ready to tackle that next weight or the addition of the reps.

I have noticed this problem when it comes to food and nutrition as well. May will start their diet with the idea that they will lose 20 pounds in three seconds, and that it is really easy to get frustrated.

What I would say is I've had some short term success, but what I really pride myself on is I've had long success, where three, four years later, people went from never barely going outside, to having an active and healthy lifestyle.

14:22 - Tell us about your New 30-Day Regime

The 30-day workout that I made is four 20 minute workouts per week. When you click the link for it, you automatically get subscribed to it. Then, you pop up and you have a calendar that will say Monday, for example, upper body. Then you can click on that, it has all the pictures of each of the exercises. It tells you how often to do it.

Of course, it's a guide, because it is a one size fits all plan. But one day will be upper body, the next day would be abs. It's just a way to get people started with consistency, with videos, so they can see how the program is exactly done.

It is completely free, and I am moving it towards personalizing it for various types of fitness training. If you have an injury or only a certain amount of time to exercise, then I am able to customize that for you.

That's even more of a hybrid between personal training because they get the accountability, they get the exact workout and it's a lot more affordable. I created it again, just so people could have something free, they could start something, and then they could get to know me, see how I operate, and if they want to, I'm there for a more personalized program.

17:19 - How can people sign up!?

All you have to do it Direct Message me on Instagram with your phone number and your email address.

Also, because I know a lot of your listeners are dietitians and nutritionists and you have your own group of clientele. What I can do is subscribe to your client’s Meal Garden Program. This will allow you to check on your clients, again - adding accountability, to see if they are following everything correctly, or if they need modifications.

If someone has a fair number of clients, let's say 10 to 20 at least, clients who are all bodybuilders, I am happy to create a bodybuilding workout - a proven one that works. I have access to doing all that, it's fairly time-consuming, so I would need a decent number of people who would be interested in it. If you are interested in this, direct message me on Instagram and let me know!

You can find Marilyn Moss, Functional Fitness Guru, on Instagram, and Facebook. Be sure to check out her New 30-Day Fitness Program today! You can also visit her website,

Further Reading:

Interesting Ways You Can Help Clients Reframe Their Mindset Shifts with Jonathan Thomas

Do Your Clients Understand How To Listen To Their Bodies with Jan Niemand

How to Get Your WHOLE MIND Working Toward Your Goals - with Lynnsey Robinson

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