Naturopaths and wellness warriors tout The Alkaline Diet as being able to “change the pH levels of your blood” to promote health, wellness, and longevity.
“Eat loads of kale, spirulina, and matcha!” They say, “It will cleanse you! It will change your blood’s pH!”
We’re not denying that kale, spirulina and matcha are amazing for the human body…. But are their claims -- that this diet can change your pH -- even true?
By encouraging your clients to follow the Alkaline diet, are you promoting a “fluff” diet, and worse, jeopardizing your credibility as a health professional?
“The Alkaline Diet was popularized by a hack.”
“The pH promise does not hold water,” says registered dietitian Lauren O’Connor.
Wait, what?
Lauren has made it her life’s work to instruct and council individuals and companies about proper nutrition.
After receiving her Masters in Nutritional Sciences from California State University, she made it her life’s mission to council people about whole-food choices and plant-based nutrition. She is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) and Food and Culinary Professionals (FCP).
In a nutshell, Lauren knows her stuff.
Lauren knows the science.
“There are many myths that surround the pH promise that aren’t true,” Lauren says, “Their theories, the hypothesis is half-baked. You can't change your tightly controlled blood pH.”
Does that mean you should toss the kale, pitch the Matcha, and never shell out for overpriced spirulina ever again?
Keep it. Eat it. Love it.
Lauren wants you to keep the Alkaline foods in the fridge.
In fact, she thinks the Alkaline Diet is so effective, she wrote a book about it.

“Why would I write a book based on a topic that doesn’t hold water?” she laughs, “This book could have been written by any sort of influencer, anybody who wanted to call themselves a nutritionist or wellness professional.”
So if this diet is “woo-woo” enough to make the scientists laugh, what gives?
Turns out, there’s more to this “popular fluff diet” than meets the eye.
Uncovering the Real Benefits of the Alkaline Diet
If you follow the Alkaline Diet, you’re reaping many nutritional benefits.
But not for reasons you might think.
“What I had to do while writing this book was to take away the hype and uncover what this diet is at its core.”
And at its core are healthful fruits and vegetables, leafy greens, and plant-based whole foods with limited added sugars and fewer processed foods.
Sounds good to us.
“Science asks -- what are the nutrients? The fiber, the protein, the carbohydrates,” says Lauren, “What is the synergy of nutrients that these foods? By eating foods promoted on the alkaline diet, you’re getting the vitamins, the nutrients, and the minerals you need.”
“That’s why I wrote this book… so I could educate people about what’s not true, how the body works, and how this diet can actually help you.”
What People Are Saying about Lauren’s New Book, “The Healthy Alkaline Diet guide: What to Know, Why it Works, and What to Eat”

This book is hot off the press, as it was published this past July, 2020.
“Lauren does a phenomenal job of tackling the tricky topic of alkaline diets,” says one reviewer on Amazon, Jennifer Lynn, “I appreciated her honesty, fairness, and scientifically-based assessment of what the alkaline diet is and what it is not.”
Another reviewer says, “Amazing book, full of accessible, easy-to-implement, life-changing nutritional options.”
But this book isn’t just about glorifying the plant-based life.
It includes a 3-week meal plan to make your transition to the diet as easy as possible…
With easy-to-read charts that identify acid- and alkaline-forming foods…
And our favorite -- it encourages readers to ban goals of perfection and just do the best they can.
(Psst — using nutrition practice software can save time and help you connect closely with each nutrition client, offering them the personalized nutrition attention they need to get real results. Meal Garden makes it possible to create, curate, and share dietitian-approved recipes, and modify meals and collections based on each client’s unique needs. Why wait? It’s free to join.)

Click here to order “The Healthy Alkaline Diet Guide” on Amazon!
Interested in learning more about Lauren’s work?
Check out her website by clicking here.
Further Reading:
How to Help Your Nutrition Clients Balance their Blood Sugar
The Intersection of Diet Culture and Chronic Disease
The Magical world of Plants: How this Nutritionist Uses Adaptogens for Stress
How to Completely “Reset” Your Gut Health With Ayurveda
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